Thursday, April 28, 2011

In Prayer

Praying for those affected by the horrible storms last night. We are headed to Gulf Shores with friends from Huntsville. We drove down and stayed with them last night. We had no electricity but were very fortunate compared to others. This is SEC country. We may be enemies on the field and court but are family when it comes down to it. May God be with you all.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter-Part 1

My Aunt cooked lunch on Saturday this year since everyone was busy on Easter. She had an egg hunt for the kiddos and Bailey had a blast! My Aunt watches Bailey for me while I work and is my mom's sister. We lost my mom to cancer 2 years ago and my aunt has stepped in and taken on that role for me. I am very blessed as well as my brothers to have her in my life. She will not take my mom's place, which she would never try to do but I don't know what we would do without her. Anyway, onto the pictures!

Thursday, I took her to get pictures made with live bunnies. Here she is when we got home. This is her Sunday dress
This morning, Ben went out to mow the yard and found this little guy. After thinking we were going to have to nurse a baby rabbit back to health, we googled and found out that his mom would come out at night and to put him back where he came from. We are going to check on him in the morning to make sure he is ok.

Bailey finally got to hunt some eggs. I think Pawpaw was slipping some M&Ms in her basket! I have to watch him :) I feel so blessed to have my family! Tomorrow is breakfast with Ben's family, church, and more egg hunting at Ben's mom's house.

Everyone have a great Easter!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How fun is this?

Pigeon Forge, TN is doing this Family Challenge promotion right now. To enter, you have to submit a video of your family and why you want to participate in the Challenge. A panel of judges choose the top 20 videos and those are voted on to see who will participate in the Family Challenge.

The five families with the most votes will win:

5 Days and 4 Nights stay for 5 people
Tickets to Dollywood
Spending Money
VIP card to many of the Pigeon Forge’s attractions
Goodie Bags provided by Great American Country (GAC)

In this economy... a free trip for the family!! Yes please! There is also a tab on the website to register for a free trip if you don't want to make a video for the challenge.

Here are a few pics form our last trip to Pigeon Forge

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Well, it's official..... I am a 30 something! Today is my 31st birthday. When did I get this old? I have been told the thirties fly by. I will admit my twenties were amazing. I had so much fun with so many friends. College, first real job, meeting and marrying my husband, first house, first new car (which I will never buy new again, thank you Dave Ramsey), first pregnancy, first baby. Wow, what a busy decade. I do have a feeling my thirties are going to be the best. Bailey will be two in July. She is so much fun right now. I love watching her and experiencing life through her eyes. Twenties were all about finding myself, creating our family, creating our marriage, figuring out how to make things work. I feel like my thirties are us settling into our lives. We are so happy, we are financially stable, we know each other like the back our hands. I look forward to watching Bailey grow up, possibly adding another, and enjoying life with my husband. Twenties were fun but you can't compare to having a family and the fun that goes with that. So cheers to being 30 something!
Just in case you need a Bailey fix...

Friday, April 15, 2011


Well I missed Thankful Thursdays mainly because I was busy with my little thankful who decided she didn't need a nap! But I want to post anyway. What am I thankful for?

This is probably the worst picture that I have ever taken but it was the proudest moment of my life. I thought I was thankful then but a few things that have happened since to make me realize how thankful I should be. We have good friends that have been trying for years to have a baby. They had some "help" and became pregnant with triplets. We were all estatic. At 19 weeks, she lost all three babies. She is almost at her due date now and I know it's going to be a rough month for her. She held them, she kissed them, she loved them, she lost them. They are now trying to figure out their next steps. They love babies and seeing them with Bailey and how sweet they are with her breaks my heart. Another friend of mine that I grew up with has a 3 year old little boy and found out she was pregnant with a little girl. She was so happy. Now in her third trimester, she found out she has breast cancer and had to have surgery and now has found out that she will have to go through Chemo as soon as the baby comes. her facebook post today says " I want to be excited for my induction but it's hard because I know what is coming after." I feel like we take for granted having healthy babies and healthy families. So, please say a prayer for my friends and hug your babies a little tighter tonight. I know I will!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Summer Vacas!

We have been thinking about what we want to do for our big summer vacation this year and I think we have settled on a cruise! I am super excited! The thing is, I think it is going to be our first trip without the princess. I'm not sure if this mommy can handle it! Here are some pics from our cruise with her Christmas 2009.

I am very blessed to know that she will be well taken care of and not miss us at all when we are gone but...leaving my baby for a week?? Of course, I have already had the other moms say "i don't know how you can do it because I never could" which makes me feel extremely guilty and wonder if I'm a bad mom to leave her. I just think it would be a great opportunity for Ben and I to spend some quality time together. The Bible teaches God first, spouse second, family third. It's hard sometimes to work on that spouse second because you are both so focused on the baby. It would be nice to be husband and wife for a few days instead of just mommy and daddy! I just hope I don't cry for the whole week missing my girl! Right now, we are excited for a long weekend at the beach WITH my girl at the end of the month! Woohoo!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank you Thursdays!

My thank you Thursday post is simple. I am thankful for these two people that are in my life. It's the small things that make my heart melt. I was getting ready yesterday in the bathroom and out of the mirror, I saw my husband kiss Bailey on the head as she woke up. So simple but it just absolutely melted my heart. While dating, you can pretty much tell what type of husband he will be but you have no idea what type of dad he will be until that day comes. I will just say...I lucked out..Bailey and I both did!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, this weekend was a little disappointing! Our team, UK Wildcats, were in the Final Four. Ben likes watching the games at home by ourselves but we decided to go to dinner and watch the game at his mom's house. It was a very disappointing loss. I worked on making Bailey a shirt Friday and even though we lost, she was precious in her shirt saying Goooo Cats! I put a 55 on the back because that is our favorite player(Josh Harrelson). We have a busy weekend ahead of us. Ben's birthday and Easter pictures. I have to get busy on getting her Easter basket ready. I made her the cutest little egg hunting outfit that I can't wait for her to wear!