Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Birthday Party

Bailey's birthday party was on Saturday and we had a great time. Thursday, her actual birthday, her and I went to meet Ben at work and then to lunch at Blackstone in Nashville. She had her favorite lunch of grilled cheese and fries. She entertained everyone at his office. We then had a small party at my Aunt Carol's house. She had a castle cake there and opened a few gifts. Saturday was the big day.. Carol and I worked ourselves to death on Friday preparing and Saturday, Ben and I took Bailey to Aunt Carol's so we could get everything ready and she could nap well. Putting her pictures up that morning, I had a breakdown.. I saw her Christmas tutu and I just can't believe my baby is 1! We went to Julia' Bakery to get the cupcakes and smash cake. When I looked at the smash cake there, I cried also! It was just too perfect! We did a zebra theme and the smash cake matched perfectly. We worked all day Saturday until time for the party to start. In the end, everyone had a great time and Bailey was the perfect birthday girl! She tore into her smash cake and opened her presents. She loved playing with the kids at the party.. She is a very social baby girl! So Bailey, happy Birthday sweet girl! Your mommy and daddy love you SOOOOO much!

Showing everyone who is in charge
Playing with her car from her granparents

We love this girl
Best smash cake ever!

Opening presents
Giving Maddy a kiss..
Bailey and her friend Roland

Her birthday Banner- 12 months of Bailey
The food table
The tent

Her Tiffany piggy bank

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Bailey!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl!! I can't believe it has been a year! We have lunch planned with Daddy this morning and a small family celebration tonigh. Then, the big shindig is Saturday night. There is about 40-50 people coming to the house. I can't wait! So Bailey girl, what are you doing now that you are 1 year old???

You walk everywhere..Mommy and Daddy can't keep up with you
You are into everything
Your favorite toys are a remote, cell phone, or computer
You have started playing with your baby doll. You give her kisses
You are a great eater..In fact, Mommy is going to talk to your doctor because she is afraid you eat too much!
You have two bottom teeth but that doesn't stop you from eating just about anything.
You are so happy! You smile at everyone and all the time
You don't like to stay with strangers. You refuse to go to the gym nursery
Your favorite word is Daddy. You say it all the time and have never said mommy
You refuse to wear a hat and you are now rebelling against your bows
You like to dance. Everytime music comes on you start dancing
You like to pattycake..It's so cute seeing you clap your little hands

We love you more than you will ever know. You are the light of our lives and each day, you give us a new adventure. This first year has been amazing watching you grow, learn, and become your own little person. We can't wait to see what this second year brings us. Let,s just go a little slower than the first, ok?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This Time Last Year

This time last year I was headed to the hospital... What a rush!! I was induced because my blood pressure was elevated and they wanted me to come the night before my induction. I took Shuler (the dog) to my Aunt's house, made sure everything was in my suitcase, including hats, bows, and outfits, sat and waitied on Ben to get home to take me in. I have never been that excited in my life but I was scared too. My main concern was wanting my girl to be here and be healthy. I had no idea what to expect. I remember my dad and my mother-in-law coming to the hospital that night which I am so thankful for. They kept my mind off things. I sure could have used my mom that night as well as everyday since then but God has a plan and I must believe that. They induced me that morning, broke my water, and the birthing process started. I didn't dilate much at all and thought we were in for a long day and night. But, suddenly around 4:00 pm I went from a 3 to a 9. I am not too proud to say that I had an epidural and it was great. The birthing process was so easy. I pushed for about 20 minutes and our beautiful baby girl was in my arms. 10 fingers, 10 toes...absolutely perfect! I have never loved my husband as much as I did that moment I saw him hold her in his arms. We were now a family! Then the room flooded with tons of family and friends. I wish I could mention them all but there were to many to mention but I am grateful for every single one of them. I wanted everyone to share this experience with us. Bailey I love you! Ben, thank you for giving me the most precious gift anyone could ever give me, I love you! Happy Birthday post tomorrow!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Busy Busy!!!

I cannot believe in two weeks my baby will be 1!!! I am not ready in any way, shape, or form. I did just get invites mailed out yesterday and one birthday banner is done.. That is it!! I have SO much more to do! We are headed to Kentucky this weekend for a family reunion on Ben's mom's side of the family. We are so excited to get to see our extended family. There are many people that I have never met. Of course, I am sure the interest will be more on Bailey and no one will even know her parents are there!! So..tonight is packing and the premiere of Big Brother! I can't wait! So.. since the invites have been sent, here is Bailey's first bday outfit! I ordered the shirt from etsy and amazing Aunt Carol made the tutu! I love it. If you know Bailey, it fits her to a tee! I love this girl!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!!!

I love July 4th! It is a time to celebrate our country and be with family...and eat great food!! We watched the fireworks last night and we are going to watch them again tonight.. We thought Bailey may be scared. It didn't phase her last night. The funny thing was that she wasn't very impressed with them either. She would watch them for a minute and then move on to something else!! She was more interested in making sure Daddy got her on video than watching the fireworks! That's our little monkey!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Catch Up!!

Bailey loving the sand!

Those sweet little footprints!
Who wouldn't love this face??
This is my little rat!! Can't you just see the meaness??

I want to spend a post playing catch up. Our beautiful baby girl is 11 months old. She has brought so much joy into our lives. We just love her so much! Bailey and I just returned from a trip to the beach. Ben couldn't go but we will hopefully have another trip in Septtember where daddy can enjoy the beach too! That is...if the oil stays away! Right now I am busy getting ready for her first birthday party. I am definitely going overboard but it's a little girl's first birthday, right?? Ben just smiles and shakes his head when I go over details with him. My theme is zebra and I have already made one banner.. I am actually pretty proud of myself. I have never been creative but something about a little girl just brings it out of me..

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blog World-2nd Attempt

Well, I attempted blogging about a year and a half ago when I became pregnant and updated my blog every week about my pregnancy... Then, the baby came..Updates started every month until she started crawling!! Now my days are filled with running after a little monkey and I don't have the spare time that I had. But...I am making one more attempt at blogging. I LOVE reading blogs of my friends and other mommies that I don't even know. It's great to know what other mommies are going through and I want to keep everyone updated on my little rugrat! So family, we go! I mean it this time.. I am going to keep you updated on what is going on in our little corner of the world! I am going to try to be honest and post my true feelings on here. This is not a blog to brag on my child or my family. It is just a way of our friends and family to keep up with what we have going on.